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RK Jr. on Unconstitutional Vax Mandates: Ineffective and Unjustifiable

On May 25, 2023, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appears on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News Show, where he discussed the inefficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and the US government’s unconstitutional response to the pandemic. By this point, data has shown that the Covid vaccines did not produce the desired effect of preventing death and transmission, even though public health authorities pushed vaccine mandates on the grounds that they would. The full interview cannot be found on YouTube or any mainstream video sharing sites.

Key Talking Points

  • The negative effects that the COVID-19 mandates, school closures, and forced vaccinations had on the American public are unforgivable.
  • Public health authorities knew from the beginning that the COVID-19 vaccine did not accomplish what they said it would.
  • The Pfizer data demonstrates that the vaccine did not prevent transmission and had little effect in preventing death.
  • In Pfizer’s clinical trial, the vaccine group had a 23% greater death rate from all causes than the placebo group.
  • The vaccine should never have been mandated, especially for people who did not need it such as children and younger Americans with no underlying health conditions.
  • Very few healthy children in America died from Covid-19.
  • The US government established a dangerous precedent with its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The government suspended the First Amendment, including the freedom of speech, religion, and association, banned jury trials against vaccine companies, abolished property rights, and forcibly closed 3.3 million businesses with no due process or just compensation.
  • There is no pandemic exception in the United States Constitution, and there is no valid excuse for suspending the rights guaranteed in the Constitution.
  • Emergencies such as these have never in history been used to justify the suspension of the Bill of Rights before the pandemic.
  • Chief Justice Roger Taney determined during the Civil War, an emergency far worse and far more deadly than the pandemic, that Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus was unconstitutional, suggesting that the provisions of the Constitution cannot be ignored, even in times of crisis.
  • Although the government has since withdrawn the pandemic mandates, it has not said it would never enact them again, and the precedent set by its actions during the pandemic allows it to declare an emergency and suspend the Bill of Rights at its own will.
  • Whoever the next president is must address this issue. If elected, Kennedy would address it immediately.

Key Data and Evidence Points

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